Purcellville Church of Christ
Purcellville Church of Christ
What to Expect During Our Worship Services
We love visitors, so please feel free to visit us at any of our services. You will be treated like an honored guest!
As the Christians did in the earliest days of the Lord’s church, and as is commanded in the New Testament, this congregation engages in five separate acts of worship on Sunday, which the Bible also calls the Lord’s Day (Acts 20:7, Revelation 1:10):
The church strives to worship God “in spirit and in truth,” (John 4:24), which means that we encourage one another to reverently and fully engage our hearts and minds in worship, putting all other thoughts aside while doing so, and perform to the best of our ability only those acts of worship that God has commanded. One noticeable difference between worship by this church and that of most other religious bodies is that our singing is done only a capella, as the New Testament teaches. Please join in our singing and help us “make a joyful noise” to the Lord (Psalm 95:1-2). We observe the Lord’s Supper each Sunday to remember Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross. Each member of this congregation is expected to give of their means on each Lord’s Day. Visitors are not asked or expected to make a contribution, but may do so if desired.
In addition to worship, Bible classes for all ages are held each Lord’s Day and on Wednesday evenings.
On the second Sunday of the month, the church normally has lunch together in our multi-purpose room immediately after our 11:00 worship hour. This meal is provided by the members of the church and visitors are encouraged to stay and enjoy it with us.
We have a fully equipped nursery for use by those with infants and small children. It has a speaker so that mothers or fathers can hear and participate in the worship service.